Rik Bootsman

Innovation lead
Product owner/manager


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Overview of awards and recognition

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It's a small selection of my work that can be shared with the public 

Philips Lumea UI and app

My work on the lumea high and low end Physical device user interface and the digital app experience

Philips Healthdot dashboard

Prototyping and proof of concept projects in the Philips research environment with clinical or business partners

Rik Bootsman portfolio resumeCreated with Sketch.

Philips learning academy

Training radiologists working with Philips products to keep their knowledge on par

Back up

Master graduation project

Enlighted 2 move

Bachelor graduation project

IRIS art installation 

At GLOW-Next Light festival with over 
100 000 visitors

Rik Bootsman portfolio resumeCreated with Sketch.

Philips Learning academy 

In Philips, especially in innovation and research, it takes some time before your work makes it to the market, this is one of the recent projects that is already online. The Philips Learning Academy https://www.learningacademy.philips.com/ is an online portal where radiologists working with Philips products can follow online trainings and sign up for in person training to keep their knowledge on par. Next to that a 3D interactive viewer is integrated in the application to allow radiologists to virtually scan a person in different positions and see the 3D model of the patient next to the scan, to better understand the scan. You can make an account on the website for free and try out the free to use features if you like!


In this project I focused on lower back pain prevention for nurses. The main goal was to create a minimally intrusive design, which is comfortable to wear throughout the day. The designed shirt is able to give feedback on the posture via activity tracking. 

The final design was a shirt which can be worn for several hours by nurses which connects via bluetooth 4.0 to the mobile phone of the user. The complete system was integrated in the shirt with an embroidered electronic circuit to connect the sensors, battery and the bluetooth module.

The system was validated in a trial (n=15) in which we found that the participants were motivated to use the shirt. This trial was based on short usage of two hours, further research is necessary to completely validate the design. 

During the development of the smart shirt reproducibility was important. How to mass produce these kind of wearables in the future was one of the questions that got attention. This resulted in the project being picked up by the industry to further develop this product. 

BackUp was featured on the Dutch Design Week 2015 as well as in the media, see also awards and recognition

 Awards and recognition

Overview of awards and recognition 

Jong ondernemend talent 2016

as selected by Financieel dagblad(young entrepreneurial talent 2016 by Financieel dagblad- a financial newspaper in the Netherlands) In 2016 I was selected as young entrepreneurial talent of 2016 together with 49 other talents by "Financieel dagblad persoonlijk" Together with the other talents there are regular network events which I try to attend as much as possible. You can find the article in Dutch here.

Therapy tech design award 2015

I participated in TherapyTech during my graduation semester. During this event researchers, companies and therapist try to find an answer on how to use technology for therapy purposes. I was asked to showcase my graduation project BackUp at this exhibition and gave live demos of the system. I also participated in the design challenge. With BackUp I won the TherapyTech design award 2015. The feedback from the jury was that BackUp feels like a finished product, which is ready for market. The aesthetics are great and the function and need for this from the field is really apparent.

Master graduation work at Dutch Design Week exhibition 2015
and in the media

BackUp was featured on the Dutch Design Week 2015 on the exhibtion Mind the step.

During this period BackUp was also covered in a news item at RTL nieuws as well as in a radio item.

Social Design Talent award 2013  - Honarable mention

During the dutch design week 2013 I exhibited my work on the therapeutic slippers and was nominated for the social design talent award. More information about this project can be found on the page portfolio. Jury comments (dutch only):In het ontwerp is een grote sprong in denken waar te nemen. Er wordt een klik gemaakt tussen verschillende domeinen. Het idee heeft weliswaar raakvlakken met WMO (kwaliteit van leven, zelfredzaamheid) maar mogelijke doorontwikkeling van dit product is niet aan gemeente. Zeer wel een eervolle vermelding waard.